Which type of stitching is best in Football?
We all know that football is very popular around the world. So in my country, I have daily experience and knowledge of football because my husband is a football player and a passionate fan
Football was invented from the idea of Charles Goodyear in the 1800s.he made a ball that was made of rubber stitches, which was more stretchy and stable. But it didn’t last long due to its excessive stretchiness.
Which type of stitching ball is best in football?
Stitched synthetic leather balls are commonly used nowadays.
Ball-making methods:
There are four steps to making a football.
1; Its cover with design
2; stitching
3; lining
Football companies always follow these four steps.
It’s mandatory for a ball.
1st step: Its cover and design:
Around football, everyone sees only its cover , so it’s important to make a cover with the best design , or when there is a special event, design a ball to highlight the event. So the football company has to maintain its quality . Specify that synthetic leather (such as polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride) is commonly used. This type of leather absorbs water, adding extra weight to the football. Apart from this, synthetic leather has so many variant like Microfiber, English Porvair, etc. premier league or international match like the World Cup, they use best quality balls: x, AI-2000, Cordley, Ducks, Microfiber And so on. The cheaper ball only use polyurethane (PU) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rubber. after selecting materials, they use digital print graphic for designing.
The most prevalent design features a 32-panel ball structured around a truncated icosahedron, comprising 12 regular pentagons along with 20 regular hexagons.
The panels can be stitches, glues, or thermally molded. But all the best is a stitched ball. Hand-stitched balls are preferred for their durability and consistent performance.
The different around three is here:
Stitches ball:
The finest soccer balls are hand-stitched using high-quality polyester or similar materials. Those works done by hand are very sensitive, and the nylon waxed twine used to become the ball waterproof as no water entered into the inner side. In India and Pakistan, they mainly produce hand-stitched balls; China mainly produces machine-stitched balls.
Glued ball:
For general purposes or practice, players need cheaper balls. So many companies produce glued in the panel lining. Those types of balls are very hard. Which are not comfortable, like stitching panel balls.
thermally molded ball: it’s the least alternative, but here are some exceptions. Like in 2010 World Cup football, the Jabulani ball by Adidas has a ball in which panels were thermally molded together.
Premium soccer balls, including our personalized footballs, boast four layers of lining for superior quality, which are called 4-ply footballs. Hand-sewn footballs are more thick, which is an important rule to make a football bounced and strong.
Practice balls often feature fewer layers of lining. Promotional footballs typically have two layers of lining, while training balls generally have three to four layers. Those are cheaper than premium ones. In the beginning practice of children, they can use 2-3 layer balls. In the time being, when they grow up make force for football, they can use 3-4 layers.
bladder means a pouch for a ball’s air holder.
From the beginning to now, football manufacturers have changed a lot. I think that in the future there will be more changes to manufacture.
So what will come next?
You can explore more ideas from here.